Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Keeping Kids Safe - November, 2012

November 7, 2012, 7 p.m.
Where: LCS High School Library
Mary Rokhvadze and the LCS Media Club will be presenting "Keeping Kids Safe: An Internet Safety Workshop" for any adult, family member, or student who is concerned about Internet Safety and staying safe online.  This workshop is free and pre-reigstration is encouraged, but not required.   Please contact the school at 432-2050 to pre-register.

The latest statistics from the Pew Research Center on Teens and the Internet remind us that the average teen spends more time online than they do doing nearly anything else in their lives (31 hours a week!).  Do we know what they are doing, who they are talking to, and what they are seeing?  Going on the Internet, playing games, and even texting are such singular, individual activities that it seems impossible to know everything our children are doing.  But, the dangers are real.  While it is easy enough for even adults to be maniuplated online through advertising, scams, fake emails and friend requests, it is even that much easier for predators and scam artists to 'take in' our kids.   Please plan to attend this informative workshop for hands-on tips on how to protect our children and keep them safe(r) online.

Did You Know...?
Google has a safe search option which allows users to restrict objectionable and adult content from appearing in your search results. You can access Google's Safesearch by visiting directly OR by clicking on the gear icon after completing a google search.  Use the Strict, Moderate and no Filtering options to

Please read the Inside Search article for more on how to filter objectionable content.