Thursday, December 6, 2012

Professional Development Resources

As we begin to address the standards and indicators in our new APPR, we note that there are at least two which address the need for educators to make use of "research-based" and professional resources. The library offers a wide variety of materials which may be of use to you in regard to satisfying this requirement.

Applicable APPR Standards
Standard 3.1 Teachers use research-based practices and evidence of student learning to provide development, including students' cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical developmental levels.

Standard 7.4 Teachers remain current in their knowledge of content and pedagogy by utilizing professional resources.

Professional Development Resources
Are you aware that the HS Library is home to a separate Professional Development collection?    Topics range from books on assessment to bullying to use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.  We also offer professional magazines, such as Reading Teacher, Mailbox, and Scholastic Instructor.  Please see library staff for assistance in finding these materials.  New titles are added regularly - be sure to check OPALS.  And, as always, recommendations are welcome.

Recently added titles include:
The Common Core Lesson Book, K-5
Writing to Persuade: Minilessons to Help Students Plan, Draft, and Revise, Grades 3-8
Fires in the Middle School Bathroom: Advice for Teachers

The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander

In addition, be sure to check out the GALE database for education periodicals and reference materials.  For example, if you are interested in learning more about the "flipped classroom" theory, visit GALE and do a search.  There are several articles which describe the pros, cons, and practical application.  Passwords are available from the library media center.

There's an App for That
Common Core Standards By MasteryConnect
"View the Common Core State Standards in one convenient FREE app! This app includes Math standards K-12 and Language Arts standards K-12. Math standards include both traditional and integrated pathways (as outlined in Appendix A of the common core)."

Monday, November 12, 2012

Media Literacy & Lesson Plans! November, 2012

Library of Congress and Media Literacy Workshop, November 8, 2012

Media Literacy :

The ability to access, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of forms.  The decoding and analyzing of documents, including all types of media and primary resource documents.

The integration of critical thinking, literacy skills, and the decoding of media are intertwined and give educators and students alike the ability to form habits of inquiry.  When we present multiple media with various points of view, and question students about perspective, context, evidence, and purpose, we are providing them with a way to better synthesize information for greater comprehension and recall.  We are also asking them to support assumptions and bias with evidence, both from visual and text based media.

Project LookSharp (Ithaca College) provides teachers with unit and lesson materials that involve the decoding of various media as integrated into core curriculum subjects.  Please visit the Project LookSharp website for downloadable curriculum kits and other materials.  In addition, the Library of Congress Teacher Resources "offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching."


Saturday, November 10, 2012

What to buy? Holiday gift reviews

It seems every year I must buy a new electronic gadget for my daughter at holiday time.  Last year it was the gift that keeps on giving - the iphone4.  Giving and giving and giving - oh, those data plans!  This year, though, my big plan is to go all IRL on my kid.  Nothing to plug in.  Nothing to download.  Just good old fashioned stuff.

What a maze we have on our hands, though, if we are thinking of buying a new electronic device.  From trying to figure out which device suits our needs - ereader or tablet - to knowing how many gigs of memory we need to do what - we certainly don't want to swerve too much on our learning curve.

Below are some useful links with reviews and discussions of current device and gadgets.  It is my hope this will help you navigate and make the purchase that suits your needs.

One final note - if you are purchasing technology that goes online for your child, you may wish to consider downloading monitoring or content filtering software (check here for reviews).  Be sure to read the terms of use for apps and look for "opt out" boxes which will allow you to protect your child's personal information.

Reviews & Info

Kindle vs. Nook vs. iPad: Which e-book reader should you buy?
Nexus 7 Edges Out iPad on Holiday Wishlists
Cnet Holiday Gift Ideas and Gift Guide 2012 - Cnet
8 Apps You Don't Want to Miss

What's new in smart phones, tablets, e-book readers, and more, Consumer Reports magazine: August 2012 
Engadget - AOL's reviews



Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Keeping Kids Safe - November, 2012

November 7, 2012, 7 p.m.
Where: LCS High School Library
Mary Rokhvadze and the LCS Media Club will be presenting "Keeping Kids Safe: An Internet Safety Workshop" for any adult, family member, or student who is concerned about Internet Safety and staying safe online.  This workshop is free and pre-reigstration is encouraged, but not required.   Please contact the school at 432-2050 to pre-register.

The latest statistics from the Pew Research Center on Teens and the Internet remind us that the average teen spends more time online than they do doing nearly anything else in their lives (31 hours a week!).  Do we know what they are doing, who they are talking to, and what they are seeing?  Going on the Internet, playing games, and even texting are such singular, individual activities that it seems impossible to know everything our children are doing.  But, the dangers are real.  While it is easy enough for even adults to be maniuplated online through advertising, scams, fake emails and friend requests, it is even that much easier for predators and scam artists to 'take in' our kids.   Please plan to attend this informative workshop for hands-on tips on how to protect our children and keep them safe(r) online.

Did You Know...?
Google has a safe search option which allows users to restrict objectionable and adult content from appearing in your search results. You can access Google's Safesearch by visiting directly OR by clicking on the gear icon after completing a google search.  Use the Strict, Moderate and no Filtering options to

Please read the Inside Search article for more on how to filter objectionable content.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Library Equipment

Per special request, we are re-posting last year's Welcome Back blog post! So...Welcome Back! We are providing information on the equipment and services available through the LCS libraries. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

(most equipment circulates via the elementary library)

Netbook Cart
Digital Video Cameras
Flip Cameras
Digital Cameras
Document Cameras (ELMO)
LCD projectors
Memory Cards
Kindle e-Book readers (NEW)
DieCuts and Machine
TV cart

**Please contact the HS Library to schedule classes in the computer lab.


Playaways (NEW)
Magazines & Newspapers
Art prints
Databases (see library for passwords)
Streaming video (Webmax)
Instructional Design Assistance
Team Teaching (integration of Information Literacy Skills)
Assistance with online resources and software
Database and Information Skills Instruction
Creation of subject matter pathfinders (list of print & online resources)
Overhead projector maintenance (replacement bulbs)
& much, much more!
Special Collections
Preschool Bookbag Program
Faculty/Staff Book Swap

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Online Safety

Online Safety

This year the library media center's theme (if you will) is Internet Safety and ways to remind our students how to safely use the many tools the Internet has to offer.  To me, the Internet feels like a relatively new means of getting information and connecting with family.  For many of our kids, it is a way of life - and they have known no other.

So...what do we tell them without seeming like we are antiquated?  After all, they are the ones who have grown up with cell phones, laptops, and intricate gaming devices.  Do we even have a chance when it comes to sounding knowledgeable about technology around tweens and teens?

Here are a few of my own personal observations in regard to teaching children how to be safe online.  Later posts will follow up with ideas for lesson plans and online sources to go to for information.
  • Speak the same language as kids. Keep a dialogue open about what happens online.  Ask them about their facebook or other social networking tools.  For a lot of kids, facebook isn't in addition to their regular social life - it IS their social life.
  • If you have a facebook, go on it and see how our students are treating one another.  You don't have to be their friend to view their profile if their profile is public.  Once a child knows you can see how they act (even online!) they are less likely to be 'inappropriate' or mean (or have a public profile!).
  • Tell kids that you can see their profile.  Ask them why it isn't set to private.
  • Be knowledgeable - understand that employers are now asking for people's facebook accounts.  Everything we do online potentially exists forever.  So, that 'gone wild' picture from when someone was 16 may just prevent them from landing a job some day.
  • In my own home, computer time is often family time.  We sit together and do things online.  Last night we designed sneakers online!  I know what my daughter is doing on the computer and iphone and she knows I will check from time to time. 
  • Don't assume students know what NOT to do online.  Remind them not to put ANY information online for ANY reason without asking a parent or guardian first.
  • Remind kids - if you wouldn't say it in person - don't say it online!
These may be obvious tips, but I hope they help. I do cover these things with our 7th grade Info Tech students, but it always helps if respected adults reinforce. Please feel free to post your own tips and suggestions for keeping our kids safe online.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Playaways in the library

The library now has 12 playaways to lend to teachers. These devices are audio books in mp3 format. They include the full text of the book as well as earbuds for the listener. They are excellent for use with students who need to listen to a book. Titles have been selected based on books read in the classroom.

Titles on Playaway

Bridge to Terabithia

Catherine, Called Birdy
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
The Egypt Game
Fallen Angels
My Side of the Mountain
On my Honor
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Secret Soldier
Stone Fox

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More Kindles in the library

An update...

The library has purchased and cataloged four additional kindles for use in the classroom. We now have a total of 6 to lend out.

Please contact the elementary library to schedule use of these readers. Also - let me know what titles you would like to see purchased and added to the kindles. One title may be added to six kindles!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kindles in the Library

Kindles in the Library

Last year the library purchased two Kindle eBook readers to circulate for classroom use. We have recently added several titles which correlate to assigned classroom reading. Titles available on our Kindles are listed below. To borrow the Kindles please contact Judy MacLachlan in the elementary library.

In addition, as some of you know, the ONC BOCES Media Library also circulates Nooks for classroom use. Teachers are able to borrow a complete classroom set of Nooks from BOCES. Please ask in the library to check for available titles. Nooks can be ordered via the SNAP (Webmax) catalog.

Kindle Titles Available in the LCS Library
Achebe, Chinua – Things Fall Apart
Aesop – Aesop’s Fables 

Anderson, Laurie Halse – Fever, 1793 
Austen, Jane - Emma
Austen, Jane – Sense and Sensibility
Austen, Jane – Pride and Prejudice

Avi - Poppy and Ereth
Babbitt, Natalie – Tuck Everlasting
Brittain, Bill – The Wish Giver 

Calkhoven, Laurie - Boys of Wartime: Daniel at the Siege of Boston 
Carroll, Lewis – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 
Cushman, Karen - Catherine Called Birdy
Choldenko, Gennifer – Al Capone Does My Shirts 

Clements, Andrew - Frindle 
Collins, Suzanne – Catching Fire
Collins, Suzanne - Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne – Mockingjay 

Cushman, Karen - Catherine Called Birdy 
Decamillo, Kate - Because of Winn-Dixie
Eastman, P.D. – Are You My Mother? 
Eastman, P.D. – Go Dog Go 
Gardiner, John Reynolds – Stone Fox 
Harrison, Amina – The Egypt Game 
Horowitz, Anthony - Stormbreaker 
Knowles, Sir James – The Legends of King Arthur 
Lowry, Lois – Number the Stars 
Lubar, David - Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie
Melville, Herman - Bartleby the Scrivener 

Melville, Herman - Billy Budd 
Mikaelsen, Ben – Touching Spirit BearT
he New Oxford American Dictionary
Paterson, Katherine - Bridge to Terabithia
Paulsen, Gary – Hatchet 

Perry, Marta – Hide in Plain Sight 
Rawls, Wilson – Where the Red Fern Grows
Shakespeare, William – Macbeth

 Shakespeare, William – Works of William Shakespeare
 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft - Frankenstien 
Speare, Elizabeth George – The Sign of the Beaver 
Spinelli, Jerry – Loser 
Stevenson, Robert Louis – Treasure Island
Swift, Jonathan – Gulliver’s Travels 

Twain, Mark - Adventures of Tom Sawyer 
Warnock, John W. – One Fist, Two Fish
Wells, H. G. – Invisible Man 

Wells, H. G. – Time Machine 
Wright, Hamilton – Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know